Adam Dawson

Words that Shakespeare made:

Most of the Words that Shakespeare Invented are not used now and are not very relevant to todays life.

These Words are Some of the Following:

Auspicious- Is something that is favorable and is bound to bring good things.

Baseless- Something that has no evidence

Barefaced- Is something that is not done with disguise.

Castigate- To be very strict with punishments

Clangor- A loud sound.

Dexterously- To be Skillful in the hands.

Dwindle- Something that decreases and gets smaller.

Multitudinous- A very large amount.

Sanctimonious- Pretending to be nice and good.

Watchdog- A group that watched wrong doings and illegal thing.

Most of the Phrases that Shakespeare made are still used and are relevant to todays society some are not so but here are some that are:

“Fair play”- Follow the rules in sports,

“All that glitters isn’t gold”- Something that looks good isn’t actually very good.

“Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve”- Be open and show lots of emotion.

“Break the ice”- To open up conversation when you meet someone knew.

“In a pickle”- To be in a situation were your in trouble and are unable to get out of it easily.

A Famous Play that is Still Relevant:

Romeo and Juliet:

Romeo and Juliet is still a very relevant play in todays society with many movies reflecting this plays plot and themes. Lots of movies portray this exactly just with a modern twist so for example instead of sword fights they will have guns and stuff like that.

The play is about when a boy named Romeo and a girl name Juliet fall in love.

This is a problem because there families hate each other.

So they are unable to be married.

They decide to marry in secret instead.

But before their wedding Romeo kills her cousin.

And is then forced to leave her.

If he ever returns he will be killed.

Juliet then gets forced to marry another guy but rejects because she’s already married but decides to go through with it and fake her death to be with Romeo.

Romeo doesn’t know about the plan and sees her dead so he kills himself then Juliet awakes and sees him dead so kills herself too.


Was one of Shakespeares best plays this is the plot.

Three witches plan a meeting with the Scottish noblemens Macbeth. Who is fighting in a great battle.

The battle is over and Macbeth and Banquo his friend see the witches, the witches offer them three predictions.

Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, and that Banquo’s descendants will become kings.

Banquo does not believe the predictions, Macbeth is excited about these predictions.

After the meeting, Macbeth was made Thane of Cawdor because of his bravery in the battle.

His wife Lady Macbeth is very excited.

Lady Macbeth gets evil spirits to slay King Duncan.

Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to kill King Duncan and he stabs him to death.

Macbeth is crowned king because nobody knows who committed the murder.

Macbeth decides to kill Banquo because he is scared the third prediction will become true.

But only Banquo is killed and the son escapes. Macbeth starts to see Banquos ghost and gets more predictions from the witches.

Macbeth kills the family of Macduff. All of the witches predictions start to come true.

Lady Macbeth becomes insane because she can’t stop thinking about Duncan and she dies.

Macduff comes with an army to Macbeths Castle and kills Macbeth.

Themes of Shakespeare:


In Shakespeare plays love is a very common theme, Shakespeare new that true love never ran smoothly. Most of his plays showed how to make love work and what destroys it.

Romeo and Juliet shows that finding true love and being able to have true love is hard but if you both truly love each other then you can overcome anything to be together.


Loyalty is another big theme that Shakespeare put into is plays, the loyalty was mostly show as loyalty to ones self, to ones friend and to ones king. The worst possible act is betrayal.

King Lear shows loyalty when the King questions his loyalty of his daughters to him.

Movies Based on Shakespeares Plays:

’10 Things I Hate About You’ (1999) based on The Taming of the Shrew watch here

2. ‘She’s The Man’ (2006) based on Twelfth Night’ watch here

3. ‘The Lion King’ (1994) based on Hamlet watch here

‘A Thousand Acres’ (1997) based on ‘King Lear’ watch here

‘Men of Respect’ (1990) based on Macbeth watch here

‘The Lion King II’ (1998) based on Romeo and Juliet watch here

Shakespeare is one of the best righters of all time but is he still relevant today, Shakespeare is still very relevant in todays life the Phrases that he invented are still used today and very relevant in todays society. The plots of his plays and themes of his plays are used today to create movies, many of the movies that are made using Shakespeare plots are very popular and enjoyable to watch. But with Shakespeare being very relevant there is also a part of Shakespeare that is not relevant to todays society the majority of words that he invented while writing plays are not veery relevant today and nobody understands them. Shakespeare is still very relevant in todays society, but he has drifted away through time.

One comment

  1. liam · November 20, 2014


    I 100% agree with your argument on that Shakespeare is still relevant today. The points you made were phenomenal especially when you said loyalty were one of his main points which he puts in his plays. I DID NOT KNOW THAT. your punctuation was extremely formidable and the ways you placed you words into the sentences was brilliant. Your summary of the play macbeth was filled with information. I felt like I had seen the play after reading this. Just by reading your argument of; if Shakespeare is still relevant today, I can tell you have put a lot of time and effort into it and I take my hat off to you for producing such an astonishing argument

    yours sincerely Liam B

    Liked by 1 person

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